Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Amazing video: Honesty Teaching by Father

Amandeep Singh special video about honesty with the relation between father and son.

it's a very heart touching video on the relationship between father and son. and beautifully described honesty with his awesome skill. I was just playing a game on my Laptop and at the same time, my friend was using his new mobile, and suddenly he played this video. I don't know what was going, I stopped my game and start watching this video, I would recommend you guys to watch this video at least one time.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Eye Care: Conditions, Vitamins and Food Source

Foods for your eye care

Take a look at the various conditions affecting different parts of the eye and see which foods contain the vitamins and nutrients necessary to keep your eyes healthy and your vision, sharp.


जानिए अमेरिका में क्यों गाय के पेट में छेद किया जा रहा है

अमेरिका में काफी क्रूर व्यवहार किया जा रहा है गायों  के साथ " ऑर्गैनिक डेरी " के नाम पर दरअसल यह लो गायों के शरीर पर एक बड़ा सा छेद कर देते हैं यह लोग ऐसा इसलिए करते हैं  ताकि गायों की  उम्र बढ़ाई जा सके और उसका अच्छे से ख्याल रखा जा सकेंगे. इन्हें FISTULATED COW कहां जाता है .इन गायों के अंदरूनी हिस्से की जांच करवा पाना वैज्ञानिकों के लिए काफी मुश्किल होता है इसलिए यह  लोग  गाय के पेट मैं सूराख कर उसे प्लास्टिक की रिंग से बंद कर देते हैं ताकि यह गायों के खाने की क्रिया और पाचन पर ध्यान रख सके.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Crack Fact | 15 Amazing Fact That You Never Heard

  • Interesting facts about Venezuela, where lightning strikes 280 times for each hour,160 night a year.

Earth Magnetic field is flipping | Are we in Danger?

Are we in Danger

Scientists have found that Earth's Magnetic Field is Flipping. the north pole has Moved 966 Km from its original Place. at first speed of moving was 16Km Every Year but Now Speed is 64Km/Year. The field has lost it's 10% of its power. so it means we are in danger or not??

How to get Havasu Falls Permit & Can we swim under it?

  Havasu Falls is the most popular tourist destination of grand canyon!   Are you planning to visit Havasu fall? Then you have to know these...